Acne Free Skin Is Possible

For the many millions of people worldwide who suffer with acne, the fact that it is the most common of all skin complaints is no consolation and it is not solely a condition suffered by young people looking for acne free skin. While it is true that acne will often become apparent during the formative years, many people do in fact find it a temporary condition although as many as nine in every ten people will suffer with at some point in their lives.

Our bodies produce oil called sebum which is quite normal but sometimes we produce too much and this clogs the hair follicles which can be one of the causes of acne but excess oil is not the only cause nor does it mean that someone who has excess oil in their hair follicles will develop acne. Acne is the result of the sebum in the pores and not the skin itself although the condition does seem to be a modern problem and not something we have always had to live with.

Among the many causes of clogged pores are the use of makeup, everyday air particles and often a simple case of hormonal changes but while acne is a part of life for many individuals, it can be effectively treated. Of course there are other reasons that can contribute to the formation of acne including the poor diet that most people exist on nowadays which is full of reprocessed, fast foods that are high in sugar.

When people have more stubborn cases of acne it is left to a dermatologist to prescribe a stronger remedy which may require a longer period of use. Having a dermatologist treat the condition is not such a bad idea as he or she will be able to better check on how well the treatment is he prescribed. The person suffering with acne must remember not to scratch at or attempt to remove and pimples as any bacteria carried beneath the nails could cause further infection.

The problem comes about because most people do not realize that bacteria and germs cannot normally be seen by the naked eye and they believe if their nails look clean they are safe. Therefore any contact between an acne sufferer's hands and affected areas should be avoided if possible.

The chances of perfect skin are virtually zero and you are more likely to suffer with acne if your parents also had the condition. However, in the majority of cases the hormones resulting in acne usually take place during teenage years.

Acne can cause emotional problems for sufferers, especially when they are young so it is advisable that the opinion of a dermatologist be sought for further treatment. The information in this article is intended for informational purposes only and it should not be considered as, or used in place of, medical advice or professional recommendations for acne free skin diagnosis or treatment.

Learn more about acne free skin. Stop by Pavion Huresler's site where you can find out all about the best new product review on acne free skin today!


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